The Ninja who faces his fears!


Once upon a time there was a scary, mean, angry, Principal named Mr Chang Chang. Every time a 7 year old kid would walk in his office he would say “GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!”. The next week of school Mr Chang Chang heard a very strange noise. It sounded like “pssssss” quietly. He was scared, he was sweating.  He peeked inside the closet… suddenly a DEAD mouse was hanging, then he ran back home as quickly as possible. The next day every single kid at school was so surprised that Mr Chang Chang was dressed like a super ninja with his potato gun, stink grenade, and his lipstick.  He walked in his office like a ninja. He heard the strange noise and he said “Its time to face my fears.” He ran to the closet and he shot 2 bullets out of his potato gun and opened the closet. Guess who it was? It was his two enemies Josh and Max. Josh and Max said “we were doing this for pay back!”. Mr Chang Chang said “you know what my payback is? 1 year of detention!”. Mr Chang Chang was so proud of himself. Josh and Max never bothered him again!

The End.

By Albert

7 responses »

  1. Great story Albert! I laughed at the end, because I thought “Karma” what goes around Mr Chang Chang, comes around, you should not have been so mean! But then Mr Chang Chang hits them with a 1 Year Detention!! No fair! Perhaps the moral of the story is never cross a Principal!
    Whaea Donna

  2. Albert I especially loved Mr Chang Chang’s Ninja accessories, potato gun, stink grenade and my most favourite – lipstick! And a brilliant ending – payback time! Thanks for sharing your creative narrative.
    Mrs A

  3. I really enjoyed that story. Lots of action and descriptive language. I was trying to visualise Mr Choromanski dressed up like that – didnt work. I am so glad at our school we do not have a mean Principal or boys who jump out of cupboards. Keep up the great writing.

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